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Brainless slime has a doozy of a superpower: Who needs brains when you’ve got veins?

Research suggests that not only can slime 'think' on its own, recording experiences in its veins, but even more importantly, it passes on those experiences to others through the original World Wide Web, its veins.

CHRISTIAN COTRONEO: ‘A new study conducted by researchers at Centre for Research on Animal Cognition in France suggests slime has a surprisingly powerful talent — a superpower, if you will: Although brainless, slime actually learns from its environment… forcing us to re-think how we define intelligence…

For their research, scientists focused on just one of the world’s 900 or so species of slime mold: Physarum polycephalum… But how does that information flow without a little cerebral input? That may be where slime ramps up the intrigue factor, and how the French team may have finally found an answer: Slime learning takes place in the veins…

And those environmental delights — or perils — were passed on to other slime when they met and fused their venous networks. The next slime could then take the road less salted without actually having travelled it before. It may be the ultimate in collective intelligence — passing along information without the assistance of a central processing unit.

And it wouldn’t be the first time slime has surprised us with its smarts. Previous research shows that slime is actually good at solving mazes. They don’t teach you that in slime school. “Slime molds are redefining what you need to have to qualify as intelligent,” Chris Reid, a biologist at the University of Sydney, told Scientific American…

The latest research suggests that not only can slime “think” on its own, recording experiences in its veins, but even more importantly, it passes on those experiences to others through the original World Wide Web — its very veins. Perhaps even more astounding is the fact that these brainless organisms can actually teach us a few things about ourselves’. SOURCE…


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